RICHARD Huish College has received a special visit from Ofsted inspectors to discuss new education inspection framework.

Bradley Simmons, HMI Ofsted regional director and Richard Light, Ofsted senior inspector visited the college on February 14.

They were keen to discuss the proposed changes to inspection with the Huish Senior Team, teaching staff and members of the Association of Colleges SW Quality and Performance Group.

The visit was hosted by Huish principal John Abbott and deputy principal Emma Fielding.

Mr Simmons said: “Ofsted is currently consulting on the draft education inspection framework for September 2019. We are taking the opportunity to share our proposals with as many stakeholders as possible as we want everyone who has an interest in education to contribute their views. We are grateful for the invitation to visit Richard Huish.”

Mr Abbott said: “It is always a pleasure to showcase the excellent teaching and learning that occurs here at Huish. We are very proud of our relationship with Ofsted who have visited Huish regularly for the last six years to discuss a wide range of issues related to delivering education. The proposed changes to the inspection framework are very welcome and also resonate with the educational philosophy at Huish. I wholehearted support any changes which prioritises our students’ educational needs, indeed this reflects our own values at Huish of students being at the centre of everything we do.”