A NEW primary school in Wellington is being put into place in sections.

The new Isambard Kingdom Brunel (IKB) Primary School, being built to serve the burst of new homes in the area, is set to start taking students in September later this year.

Somerset County Gazette:

The project is being run by Portakabin, and the whole building is expected to craned in over a couple of weeks.

While maintaining staff safety during the coronavirus pandemic, the school is beginning to take shape.

Somerset County Gazette:

Richard Healey, headteacher of IKB said “We are doing everything we can to ensure the school is ready for the start of the next academic year whilst remaining committed to the safety and wellbeing of the construction staff in line with government advice.

"We have been in constant communication with our first cohort of parents and the Department for Education to keep them updated with all developments and we are thrilled to see the building taking shape."

This brand new, purpose-built school will serve the community in Longforth Farm and its immediate surroundings.

The school will be a 14 class primary school with an on-site nursery, initially opening only for reception children.

Somerset County Gazette:

The two-storey building with modern facilities will include a large hall, studio, library, canopied areas outside classrooms, hard and soft play areas, forest school area, playing field and sports pitch.

The new primary school is the fourth school in the successful Castle Partnership Trust.

Sarah Watson, Executive Headteacher of The Castle Partnership Trust, said: “We are an innovative and forward-thinking Trust and we are always striving to find ways to develop and strengthen our schools.

!We look forward to welcoming IKB’s first reception pupils in September.”