A SOMERSET woman who has Down’s syndrome is planning a career in hospitality after support from employment specialists helped her to land her first job.

Emily Fox has been taken on as a housekeeper for The National Trust in Selworthy – and also scooped an award.

Emily attended the Foxes Academy for three years to learn the ropes of various roles within the hospitality sector.

The academy is a residential school and training hotel designed to support people with learning disabilities to become more independent and employable.

Emily, who has plenty of volunteering experience, learnt skills such as housekeeping, waitressing, and cooking.

She enrolled on the Intensive Personalised Employment Support programme delivered by Fedcap Employment, which helps people with disabilities and health conditions overcome barriers and move closer to employment.

Emily worked closely with Fedcap's Becky Smith and Tracey Oldham.

Tracey said: “Emily came to us right at the start of the coronavirus pandemic, just before the first lockdown.

"We met in a café, talked about what she wanted to do, and it was clear right from the start she wanted to work in hospitality.

“She knew and understood her capabilities, so it was down to us to help her realise her ambitions.

"She’s flying now and it’s really great to see.”

Becky said: “Emily was extremely dedicated to finding work, and her confidence grew week after week.

"She progressed massively after each interview we lined up and picked up new skills along the way."

Emily now has support plans and adjustments in place to help her transition into the workplace.

She said: “I found interviews quite difficult at first, especially online. But everyone at Fedcap has been amazing.

“I love my new job. I love working in a team and being part of something. The people I work with have been brilliant.

“I love working for the National Trust. The plan is to continue here and see what opportunities come up.

"I’d love to expand my experience into other areas within hospitality, especially working in a café but for the moment I’m just very happy doing what I’m doing.”

Emily’s recently picked up a Fedcap Employment award for her successes.

Her father, William Fox, said: "We’re really happy. It’s not easy finding work.

"Sometimes it was a real battle for Emily. Some employers just see Emily’s disability but once she’s through the door, people can start to see what she brings.

“The National Trust are a really good employer. It’s vital for us as parents to know that she is working in a safe environment.”