THE Band of The Royal Marine Commando Training Centre has agreed to return and perform in Taunton by popular demand.

Only eight months after their last successful concert in St Mary Magdalene Church, when they delighted an audience of over 500 with their versatility and their high professional standard, the musicians are coming back in June.

The musicians are among the most versatile in the world and are appreciated not only for the visual splendour of their ceremonial uniform, with distinctive white helmets, but also for their superb musicianship.

The bands recently have returned from playing at the Royal Albert Hall in London where they were part of the massed bands of Royal Marines performing at the renowned Mountbatten Concerts.

The concert is in aid of The Royal Star & Garter Homes for Disabled Ex-servicemen and Women and will be held in St Mary's on Sunday, June 8, at 7-30pm.

Tickets are £7 or £5 for concessions.

It is hoped that the home's vice president, Simon Weston OBE, will host the event.

Tickets can be obtained from the church bookshop or Lt Col Ray Hall on 01823-325998.