FAMILIES braved the rain as children scoured the bushes and flower beds in Taunton's Vivary Park for an Easter egg hunt on Sunday.

Adults also joined in with an eggstra special draw' at the event organised by Terry Milton, vice chairman of the Friends of Vivary Park.

Mr Milton said: "Friends and families were undaunted by the wet weather and seemed to appreciate the opportunity to get out into the fresh air over the Bank Holiday weekend encouraged by the promise of a reward for the children's efforts.

"The Model Railway Engineers provided further opportunities for kids of all ages to let off steam and it seems that a great time was had by all."

The Friends of Vivary Park are planning further fun activities to promote the use and development of Taunton's Jewel in the Crown' and welcomes new members.

Further details are available from the chairman Shaun Cregan on 07855-461705.