A GLASTONBURY gallery is set to host its last solo exhibition of the year, showcasing a collection of paintings by local artist Sara Trenchard.

Heart of the Tribe will present Sara's work between Thursday, October 13 and Sunday, November 13 at ‘The Arrangement of Colour’ exhibition.

A private viewing will be held on the exhibition's opening night between 6.30pm and 8.30pm.

Sara's work features expressive patterns, rich textures, and vibrant colours, and her work has been compared to a collection of memories portraying places, stories, and experiences.

She often uses work to document what it feels like to be in nature with pieces that have strong compositions featuring big skies, stormy seas, and tranquil forests.

Sara enjoys travelling with her partner in their camper van, which gives her the perfect opportunity to sketch ideas that become paintings when she returns to her studio.

Some of the pieces depict periods of time and show Sara performing everyday tasks and routines, such as loading the washing machine or visiting the hairdressers.

A spokesperson said: “Recently, Sara has dedicated more of her life to her artistic practice as various responsibilities have fallen away, allowing her the time to explore her creativity and the subsequent positive influence it has on her quality of life.

“This is apparent in much of her recent work which features the locations of some of the adventures she's been having. 

“She has taken part in many local exhibitions and has extensive experience working in a wide range of media to create pieces for private clients and public commissions.

“Her work also features as part of the Glastonbury Mural Trail, for which free leaflets can be found at the gallery.”

Heart of The Tribe Gallery is open every day (except Wednesdays) between 11am and 5pm.

Pre-booking is not required to view the exhibition during normal opening hours. Admission is free. For out of hours viewings, email gallery@heartofthetribe.com. 

For more information about The Arrangement of Colour, visit heartofthetribe.com/event/the-arrangement-of-colour-sara-trenchard-solo-exhibition.