THERE are plenty of fun events lined up in aid of the Cash for Cancer Appeal. If you want to support the campaign go to one of the events listed here, or if you are organising a fundraiser let the newsroom know by phoning 01823-365100 or e-mailing

Events taking place are:

l Coffee morning, September 25, Avon Grove Court, The Avenue, Taunton, 10.30am to 12.30pm, details on 01823-270134.

l An evening of song and piano solos, Richard Huish College, Taunton, September 18, 7.30pm, featuring performances by Gerrard Trivett and Frances Walker, tickets at £7.50 are available from Taunton Library, Taunton Tourist Information Centre, Gillian Greig's Music Agency and on 01823-277565.

l World's Biggest Coffee Morning, organise a coffee morning with friends or workmates to support the campaign on September 24, details on 01823-327503.

l World's Biggest Coffee Morning, Municipal Hall, Taunton, September 24, 10.30am to 12.30pm, with photographic exhibition by Bernard Ringrose, who will donate a percentage of the sales to the appeal, details on 01823-327503.

l World's Biggest Coffee Morning, September 24, Alfoxton Park Hotel and Roadwater, details on 01984-656394.

l World's Biggest Coffee Morning, September 24, Ash Priors village hall, 10am to 12.30pm, details on 01823-433329.

l World's Biggest Coffee Morning, September 24, Notley Arms, Monksilver, details on 01984-656217.

l Travelling trends fashion show and clothes sale, September 30, Royal British Legion Hall, Taunton, 7.30pm, tickets at £3.50 to include wine and nibbles, details on 01823-327503.

l Find out about badgers and wildlife in a talk by Pauline Kidner, of Secret World Wildlife Sanctuary, at Bicknoller village hall, October 15, details on 01984-656394.

l Autumn fair, Taunton Racecourse, October 22-23, 10am to 4pm each day, over 50 stalls packed with crafts and goodies.

l Christmas concert and carols by Watchet Royal British Legion and festive tea at Crowcombe village hall, December 12, details on 01984-656394.