HAVING read the letters regarding the proposed cinema which I agree would be an asset to Falmouth, could I take it one stage further to build a complex which would not just house a cinema, but also a Falmouth museum, exhibition centre and restaurant, making it something really special for Falmothians and visitors alike to enjoy all year round whatever the weather.

When I walk past the Drill Hall in Berkeley Vale I see Falmouth museum and exhibition centre written all over it, but alas I believe it is to become a night club and I can see problems in the future for the residents who live in the area, if permission is granted by Carrick planners for it to go ahead.

I think a meeting should be held by Carrick district council to ask the people of Falmouth what amenities they would like to see in their town for the future.

I would also not like to see any form of housing on the proposed cinema site next to the Maritime Museum, because there certainly won't be many local people who could afford to live in them, let alone buy them and that another piece of Falmouth's waterfront could become another no-go area for the general public, which is there to be enjoyed by one and all.

David Saunby, Trevithick Road, Falmouth