HAVING read the letters regarding the proposed cinema which I agree would be an asset to Falmouth, could I take it one stage further to build a complex which would not just house a cinema, but also a Falmouth museum, exhibition centre and restaurant, making it something really special for Falmothians and visitors alike to enjoy all year round whatever the weather.

When I walk past the Drill Hall in Berkeley Vale I see Falmouth museum and exhibition centre written all over it, but alas I believe it is to become a night club and I can see problems in the future for the residents who live in the area, if permission is granted by Carrick planners for it to go ahead.

I think a meeting should be held by Carrick district council to ask the people of Falmouth what amenities they would like to see in their town for the future.

I would also not like to see any form of housing on the proposed cinema site next to the Maritime Museum, because there certainly won't be many local people who could afford to live in them, let alone buy them and that another piece of Falmouth's waterfront could become another no-go area for the general public, which is there to be enjoyed by one and all. David Saunby, Trevithick Road, Falmouth

NO more flats please, unless they are affordable flats for local people.

If Falmouth RFC were to re-locate, the recreation ground could be offered to Tesco to build a superstore with the proviso they build two landscaped car parks, one for themselves, the other for the town. The Tesco Metro building would then become vacant and could then revert to what it was before, the Odeon Cinema.

Of course I, and I suspect, the rest of the town would like to see the cinema built as part of the Discovery Quay project, as originally planned, but it appears Carrick's word is no longer their bond. It also appears that the people fighting Falmouth's corner have little clout in these matters. Guess it's all down to us, the people of Falmouth.

As the Rev Stephen Tudgey suggested, write to Carrick, bombard them with letters, pin the planning department to their desks, break them till they're nervous wrecks. Remember, they're supposed to be working for us! Think of it, 20-odd thousand letters! With luck they'll all resign and we can get on and build our cinema, car park, etc. Tony Jago, Lister Street, Falmouth

AS regards the demise of our old lovely cinemas - The Odeon and The Grand - Falmouth has never been quite the same. Surely it's plain to see that when we aim to attract tourists and families to spend their holidays in our town, they need to know that when it rains there will be a local cinema to provide suitable family entertainment.

It's almost unbelievable that a holiday town such as ours should not have its own cinema. Some of us do object strongly to having to constantly assist Truro in generating more wealth by patronising their cinema complex. However, what I have written is not new and has been repeated over and over again over the past years, but still the end result is the same.

One wonders what on earth more can be done to achieve the obvious. The first important requirement of course is for the planners to have the will to allow us a cinema. They already have the power! Elaine Miller Mongleath Road, Falmouth

FURTHER to the article in this week's Falmouth Packet, I am writing in support of a cinema in Falmouth 100%, as are the rest of my family.

Not long ago we all saw in the newspapers articles about the younger children/teenagers who make nuisances of themselves, causing criminal damage, under-age drinking on the beaches and harassing residents in certain areas. It's obvious that the younger generation are bored and need somewhere to go in Falmouth. I can only see a positive side to a cinema being built. Why not take it a step further and use the ground floor as an ice/roller skating rink with the cinema complex upstairs.

Truro cinema isn't always convenient along with the fact that its size is nowhere near substantial to cater for the areas of Truro and Falmouth. You have to be very fortunate to get tickets when the weather is wet. Goodness knows what the holidaymakers have been doing these past weeks with all the rain we have had.

Would someone please wake up to the needs of the local community and not housing developers, who seem to have no problem in obtaining approval to build unaffordable housing wherever they choose. A Morgan, Boslowick Road, Falmouth

I WAS so pleased to read in the Falmouth Packet that objections are being raised about the council's decision not to have a cinema in Falmouth.

MY family and I also have to travel to Truro to go to the cinema. I myself do not drive and although I love going to the cinema myself, I can only go when my daughter takes me with her family, which consists of my daughter, her husband and three teenage children. There is only room for me in the car if one of my daughter's family doesn't go.

It would be nice for me if there was a cinema in Falmouth, because I would be able to go by myself if I wanted to.

I hope you will be successful in your campaign to get the council to re-think their decision. Mrs S Spratt, Trevethan Court, Mitchell Road, Falmouth

I AM writing to protest at the building of more flats at Discovery Quay, instead of the cinema we were promised. Flats that no locals will be able to afford, but a cinema, would have been a benefit to locals and visitors. Why must Falmouth always be the poor relation, even Helston has a cinema. Please can somebody on the council see sense over this issue. J Hill, Harriet Place, Falmouth

I CANNOT say whether we needed a cinema on Discovery Quay, and I'm sure the Drill Hall would have been entirely unsuitable. What we need in the area, but not necessarily in Falmouth, is a proper multiplex with adequate or even generous space and facilities for collecting tickets, buying the junk that seems essential and waiting for access to theatres all without queuing, jostling or waiting. We also need sufficient adequate FREE parking as part of the project! Aspirational pie in the sky? No, it's what the rest of the country has taken for granted for the past 20 years. Will someone please get real about this as anything less is just not worth the candle. Bill Collett, Mutton Row, Penryn

WE need a cinema in Falmouth! For a lovely holiday town like ours it is a necessity. B Farrer, Arwenack Avenue, Falmouth