I WAS upset to see the plight of a woman from Illogan on television. She will become homeless because her landlord wants to sell the property.

Not only that, her elderly dog has had to be put down. I know the feeling very well because I lost my only faithful companion, a Lassie Collie, who had a heart attack. There are no cheap houses around either to buy or rent and many rented places are priced beyond some people's budget. I blame Margaret Thatcher, who is entirely to blame for putting a block on council building. Council houses were cheaper to rent than the ones owned today by private landlords.

I saw houses for sale at a recently opened estate agent in Redruth. Not one is available at less than £100,000. This country has become selfish and greedy and one day these inflated house prices will bring higher council tax bills to punish us even more.

George Williams, Fords Row, Redruth