PROPOSALS to introduce car park charges in Penryn have provoked outrage from town councillors who say the community's uniqueness is not being taken into account.

At a heated meeting of Penryn town council on Monday members lined up to condemn the proposals from Carrick district council to introduce fees at Permarin and the Jobcentre car parks. Both are currently free.

Penryn is the only town in Carrick to still have free parking following a campaign by councillors and members of the public eight years ago after a similar proposal was put forward. Charges were introduced at the Saracen car park by Carrick last year.

In a prepared statement Coun John Ashwin said the town was growing and new developments in Penryn, particularly the Anchor warehouse and Jubilee Wharf, meant more people would be living near the centre.

But developers had not provided enough parking spaces so many people will be looking for somewhere else to park.

He said that the introduction of fees would see people living in the town centre having to find over £300 a year to park their cars. Many would not be able to afford to do this and would be forced to try and park on the road.